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The AFS AccuControl crop input control system is a variable rate and section control system that utilizes the AFS Pro 700 display. This allows for a single display solution when connecting a Case IH tractor to a non-Case IH implement such as sprayers, strip till applicators, NH3 applicators and up to 48 row planters. AccuControl is also used with the Case IH Nutri-Placer. Case IH AFS AccuControl manages a wide variety of applications such as seed monitoring and mapping, auto section control, variable rate control, and more.


AFS AccuControl: More Capability, Less Complexity

AccuControl can be used in conjunction with a Case IH Nutri-Placer and competitive sprayers, strip till applicators, NH3 applicators, and 48-row or smaller planter. Operators can:

• Monitor and record seed population, average spacing, singulation and variation
• Control the hydraulic drives, liquid delivery and sections

With AFS AccuControl, a single display operates any or all of these capabilities AND other tractor functions as well.

Utilizes Inputs Efficiently

Variable-rate and section control can yield significant input cost savings and enhanced yield characteristics. Case IH AFS AccuControl manages a wide variety of applications and creates as-applied maps:

• Controls seed and liquid up to four sections and up to 48 rows for individual row shut off; manual configuration of section and row orientations and variable rate seeding at up to four different section rates for better management of inputs
• Sprayers; strip till applicators: Controls up to 48 boom sections; single-product variable rate control
• NH3 applicators: Controls up to 48 sections; single-product variable rate control
• Coverage logging: Track and map; coverage with any implement

AFS Pro 700 Compatibility

Section and rate control for non-Case IH implements are available using the Case IH AFS Pro 700 display.

Field-IQ™: Catch Problems Before They Happen

The Field-IQ™ crop input control system provides a complete field application solution. The Field-IQ system helps you:

• Increase profits by avoiding double coverage and eliminating wasted inputs using automatic or manual section control
• Save on input costs by monitoring and simultaneously varying up to six different materials using Variable Rate Application (VRA) technology to precisely plant seeds, apply chemicals and broadcast fertilizers
• Monitor real-time seeding information or fertilizer delivery lines and prevent costly planter problems by catching them early before they cause yield reduction
• Utilize crop-sensing technology to reduce costs and environmental impact by controlling the application of nitrogen, herbicide and other crop inputs for optimum plant growth
• Manage all of your guidance and application tasks using Field-IQ, which is compatible with the FM-750™ or FM-1000™ and XCN-2050™ AFS displays


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